Thursday, May 19, 2011


‘Dekunle Aina founder Blink. Architect/graphic artist/hustler

How did your brand come about, how long it's been around for?
Blink was established in 2009. I began making tees in 2003, my cousin Ejimi Adegbeye “lufu keji 25” introduced me to heat transfer, back then we would customize tees for cash + I was fairly good with designing on the PC. I decided to start blink with my pocket money and a loan from an angel investor in 09.

Tell us the inspiration behind what you do.
GOD inspires me to create stuff, and I get inspired every time I receive feedback from individuals who wear blink. I constantly aim to outdo my previous work. I am deeply inspired by Africa.

Tell us about the struggles/hustles regular youngsters in naija go through just to be heard.
It’s the same song nationwide; inability to gain access to loans, poor electricity + the image of a young naija hustler is totally misconstrued thanks to the 419boys. The majority of the society and international community see every young hustler as a fraudster I thank God for the music industry, that image is gradually being reconstructed and hopefully in a few years faith and respect would be restored in the youth of this nation.

Where do u see yourself in say five or ten years...? And your inspirations?
In five years, I see BLINK at the pinnacle of the urban clothline industry representing Africa.

Is there any quote that describes life to you?
Life is a test, a trust and a temporary assignment.

How receptive/supportive is your family & friends to what you do?
It was tough getting my mom to come to terms with entrepreneurship, now she’s my #1 fan. My family is 110% behind me. I consider my friends family as such.

How will you define your personality/your birth star?
I’d like to hear that about me. I know nothing of birth stars. Blah.

Do you hope to create a niche for yourself and stand out in your field? How do u intend to achieve this?
Yes. We have a strategy geared towards achieving this, in summary I believe it’s all about Originality, Authenticity, and Consistency.

Who are your favorite icons in your field?
Choosing an icon from out of Nigeria would be a tough one but in Nigeria my favorites would be Karo Akpokiere (The Seek Project) and Ejimi Adegbeye (Lufukeji 25)

What message do you intend to send across to people?
Support African street wear. Buy Nigerian.

How do you hope to influence young people aspiring to make it in your field?
I believe that as we grow as a brand it would encourage young folks to be entrepreneurial just as I was encouraged. Our team is entirely youthful and upwardly mobile and we plan to empower more young artists and designers in the near future.

What’s your philosophy to life?
A wise man once told me "Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved." I take each day as a new task and set out to achieve my goals.

What’s your style like?
I wouldn’t give it a name and I can’t think of any name to classify my style right now. I wear whatever I’m comfortable in.

Contact details:
Phone nos:08053208199

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