Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My dear friends @ and @ on twitter on a good day tweet the most awkward and most senseless things! Aha! 

But hey!... these guys are the most serious minded youths you can have around and these they proved to me through their passion to reach the Nigerian Youth today in their most conceptualized way...i'm indeed very proud of them and i thought to share with u guys... This is what they do best.. Enjoy!

These team are committed to achieving an exclusive brand that stands for a collective "voice" of the Nigerian youths without compromise. Which they hope to achieve by:

  • Consistently providing event coverage throughout the country (both on and off campus) thereby establishing a student/youth "network" that highlights a "one voice for all" basis.
  • Implementing a captivating publicity strategy to reach out to the youths.
  • Establishing a window /network with the young, gifted, famous and successful personalities in the society be it in the entertainment, entrepreneurship, political sector, etc.

In a country populated mostly of our kind, with a significant contribution to the branding and re-branding of Nigeria most especially in the international scene, the Nigerian youths represent a "voice".
With the strength of one language and the power of one voice, we (youths) define the Green, white and Green.

The magazine shall be published quarterly (every 4 months) and shall feature two celebrated Nigerian youths as cover stories for every edition; i.e. two different design layouts, two different personalities, one edition!!!
So far, the team has being able to establish contact with over 25 universities (both home and abroad) and has gathered various event coverages.

For this edition,our  front covers showcase:  

 (a young and successful shell employee).

(one of the most celebrated Nigerian artists today).

The magazine features Campus coverage, Entertainment, Fashion, sports, technology etc.

Sw!tch Magaz!ne... ReBrand!ng the N!ger!an Youths

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